Monday, November 7, 2011

Have you started any new family traditions regarding the holiday season?

I have involved my child in paying attention to those less fortunate. She doesn't get a Christmas tree full of lovely decorations and presents meant just for her. Instead, she tells me what she would like and I get it. The money we save on the materialistic trappings we spend on Angel Tree Ministry (taking a couple kids names, purchasing their gifts, wrapping them, then heading to the church to help with the wrapping, distribution, and sharing the story of Christ to these children whose parents are incarcerated). Formerly, we would begin collecting donations of blankets, coats and such and go seek out the homeless. However, last year I was led to p that ministry on to others since I was permanently leaving the region. Thanksgiving has always meant inviting folks in that we knew would otherwise be alone. This year will be interesting as we have talked the park manager into letting us use the clubhouse since we live in an over 55 park and most folks here are widow/widowers, or in poor health and don't have the income or inclination to cook a huge dinner just for themselves. We have several other traditions we have adopted; but the question was, have you started any new family traditions.

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