Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Help! So frustrated with my toddlers early waking!!?

My son, who's 2 1/2 is an early riser! For anyone else, grandma, babysitters, even daddy, he will sleep in until 8 or 9. When I get up with him, which is most mornings, he is up at 6am like clockwork. If he would just sleep until even 7:30 or 8, it would be great, but he comes in my room at 6am wanting to watch tv. I tell him no, it's too early and then he screams for an hour. It doesn't seem to make any difference if he has an early or late nap, long or short nap or no nap at all. I am just so frustrated that when anyone else has to get up with him, he sleeps in and they get up nice and rested. For me he's up early. What can I do to get him to sleep just a little later? He goes to bed at about 8-9pm. Any friendly advice would be helpful!

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