Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Need some opinions please. check this out. guys?

hey guys. i need some opinions and i hope u can be honest. im sure u can. its not hard. just have a look. what do u honestly think of a man who does this method of pushup for 3 sets. first set 15 repetitions, second set 16 repetitions and third set 25 repetitions. 30 seconds break between sets. all the way up all the way down. with controlled movement. have a look at this method of pushup and give it a try. make sure u try it so u know how it feels. and then tell me what do u think about the guy who does 3 sets of it. 15 repetitions, 16 repetitions and 25 repetitions. 30 seconds break between sets. be honest please. have a look. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3550/3422027462_785bb38441_o.jpg

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